"Finally got that FFXIII girl name, Oerba Dia Vanille. http://www.gconsole.com/cgi-bin2/show.php?page=news&id=6894 Thank me soon!"

"You can't rate these films if you missed all the good bits! Cheat!"

"Seeing as your such a fan, why not give us a brief evaluation of each Doc?"

"I believe the Unknown Girl from FFXIII is called Vanille. Thank me later."

"Thanks Uber. If anyone else has any suggestions. I'd appreciate it."

"I'm gonna leave this comment here so everyone can see what an idiot you are. Learn to read."

"Its dark times like these when I wish comments like the above could be deleted."

"Jesus H, I just remembered Rufus Sewell being on this list."

"Bruce Willis John McClane Die Hard Series, National Lampoon's Loaded Weapon"

"The Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter follow this format too. Good idea."

"In those respective years, who should have one it in your opinion? My Best Picture List might help."

"There must have been a Depressed-Ness aswell. They stereotyped every other emotion."

"I want to vote for this. Make this list a tenitemer and you have me on board."